As information becomes readily available real time and global communication networks get more sophisticated, bringing producers and final buyers ever closer, the role of the trader can no longer just be of a market maker. In order for a truly global trading company to add value and grow, they have to have a strong, liquid and flexible capital structure to be able to structure and offer various financing instruments to its counterparts based on their specific needs. Dreymoor is one of the strongest companies in the industry with its solid balance sheet and access to capital through major global financial institutions.
Dreymoor prides itself with its long term partnership approach with all of its trading counterparts, whetherthey are producers, suppliers or buyers. As such, Dreymoor has been one of the few companies that have consistently been structuring various types of financing tools, some of which can be listed as follows:
To cater to the diverse logistical requirements of its broad spectrum of international business counterparts, Dreymoor charters and uses hundreds of ships ranging from container vessels, river barges, tankers, handysize, supramax and panamax bulk carriers. In addition to its own in-house chartering departments in Germany and India, Dreymoor engages the services of leading chartering agencies and ship brokers worldwide to ensure competitive rates for the company and its clients. As freight is a crucial cost component in the ever more competitive fertilizer trade, a global team that works round the clock ensures the most competitive freights, timely vessel fixtures and voyage management, all of which contribute to a smooth and cost effective execution of shipments with clients and business partners. The changing dynamics of global fertilizer trade has made product shipments in containers an efficient, cost effective and ever growing mode of transport, taking an increasing share of the total global fertilizer logistics. Dreymoor is one of the first companies in the industry to implement the use of containers in its logistics and has been increasing its container based trading volume to substantial levels with a dedicated team of professionals in China, Brazil and Europe, whose main focus is container management.
OperationsThe success of any trading company is directly linked to the efficiency and accuracy with which its operations team proactively executes each deal and alerts related parties in advance of potential problem. Not only a global trading company must have a global operations team, its as important for them to be working in unison across various time zones and through complicated processes. Dreymoor has an excellent international operations team made up of a close knit of individuals with impeccable attention to detail and a strong understanding of the products traded and detailed business flow. The core of the operations team sits in Brazil, Turkey, Singapore, China, USA and Guatemala.